Business Coaching

Professional and sustainable performance needs training and feedback from an external source. It is in sports and politics – it shouldn’t be different in the business.

This is what you can gain with a personal coaching:

  • Defining your own, personal targets and work out a strategy to reach your targets
  • Evaluating and advancing your competencies and your personal range of potential to act
  • Getting a better understanding of your environment and yourself
  • Identifying your motivators and your life-task
  • Knowing what to do when your power and energy drops

Coaching Method

As a coach I apply multiple methods based on the clearly structured concept of COATRAIN®. It builds on a sociological understanding of the different living environments of human beings (Habermas) and integrates coaching-relevant expertise out of multiple organisational doctrine and management methods.

The coaching takes place in the comfortable atmosphere of my office – there we have the best conditions to work concentrated and undisturbed.

Each coaching session is aligned with your individual needs, I’m following the 7-step-procedure of COATRAIN®:

Do you want to get more information? – I’m pleased to answer your questions.