
Leadership has a significant influence on the culture and the success of a company. The expectations on team-leaders and managers of today are very high, the tasks are challenging. Terms like New Work… VUCA world… Scrum… Kanban… Lean… Industry 4.0… Agility… Digitalizing… Diversity… have not only to be understood, but also to be applied in the right way.

But also the „old“  operating figures haven’t lost their importance: added value, cost optimization, process optimization and harmonization, growth, head count, change management, people development and so on are still important parameter.

High ambitious company targets and demanding team requirements are to be reached, permanent changes are to be managed, team members and oneself are to be motivated and developed and it has to be acted strategically. Therefore professional leadership competence and clear direction and orientation are needed.

With my years of experience I am able to support you with

  • Reflecting your leadership style and competence and strengthen it further
  • To position yourself, to influence and to show clarity
  • To pro-active manage change and make (difficult) decisions
  • To utilize your strengths, to identify and acknowledge your limits and to train your resilience
  • To lead teams/team members with different cultural backgrounds
  • How to manage „power“

Do you want to get more information? – I’m pleased to answer your questions.